

Prices for items may vary depending on the market and shipping cost at the time goods were purchased from our vendors.  Many of our products are purchased from small, independent artists and businesses from around the world and our prices reflect the high quality craftsmanship, artistry and small production numbers of these goods.  At times we may inadvertently make an error in online pricing or description.  We reserve the right to cancel an order in which such a mistake is spotted.

Website and Product Use

Your use of any information or materials on this website is at your own risk for which Hella Kitsch will not be liable.  It shall be the buyer’s responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information on this website meets their own specific requirements.

This website contains material which is licensed or owned by Hella Kitsch.  Any reproduction not limited to design, layout, copy, images, graphics, style, look and appearance is prohibited other than in accordance to copyright notice which forms part of these terms and conditions.

Links provided on this website are for informational purposes only.  Hella Kitsch does not represent these links or sites nor is it responsible for any information or products offered on these sites.


General Delivery

Hella Kitsch uses the address that is input into the shipping address field of each order.  We are not responsible for packages that are lost due to mistakes or incorrect addresses input by the customer.

Hella Kitsch is not responsible for stolen packages or shipments that have been signed for.  We provide tracking on every shipment so if an order does not arrive, or arrives damaged, please contact us at 925-450-0355.  Please leave a voicemail or text stating your name and order number.

International Orders

Although our Shopify website does not process international orders, please call or text us at 925-450-0355 to discuss your order and to receive a shipping quote.  We are more than happy to accommodate customers that reside outside of the United States.  We process international orders through PayPal and will send you an itemized invoice with quoted shipping for your review.


If a customer would like to cancel an order please contact us immediately as we have quick turnaround time.  Once the order is shipped an order cannot be canceled.

Hella Kitsch reserves the right to cancel any order at any time without reason.